An interdisciplinary approach with an emphasis on culture and family�Understanding Human Development challenges students to examine development from a broader perspective. Students draw on their own experiences as they weigh the research and ideas presented in the text. This brief text is ideal for undergraduate courses in Lifespan Development and Human Development.MyDevelopmentLab is an integral part of the Craig/Dunn program. Key learning applications include a personalized study plan MyDevelopmentLab Video Series and MyVirtualLife.�A better teaching and learning experienceThe teaching and learning experience with this program helps to:Personalize Learning � MyDevelopmentLab is online learning. MyDevelopmentLab engages students through personalized learning and helps instructors from course preparation to delivery and assessment.Improve Critical Thinking � Critical thinking questions throughout encourage students to consider the relevance of developmental concepts and events in the context of their own lives.Engage Students � "Try This!" give students an opportunity to challenge and extend their own thinking and expertise in the field of human development.Explore Research � Strong focus on the most recent and relevant research.Understand Culture and Diversity� "Changing Perspectives" features explore controversies about human development often within a specific cultural context and encourages thought and discussion.Support Instructors � A complete package of instructors resources is available and the plan for these resources was carefully developed by the text authors to ensure the quality and coverage perfectly matches the content and focus of the text.0205953743 / 9780205953745 Understanding Human Development Plus NEW MyDevelopmentLab with eTextPackage consists of:0205206522 / 9780205206520 NEW MyDevelopmentLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card0205233651 / 9780205233656 Understanding Human Development�Read more
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