All the health care information you need in one package!Merck returns! The new 18th Edition of The Merck Manual is packed with essential information on diagnosing and treating medical disorders to help deliver the best patient care. The world's most widely used and oldest continually published medical reference now features expanded clinical focus on each disorder as well as more specific guidance on patient examinations. This handy compact textbook was written by more than 300 expert clinicians for everyday use.Designed for maximum clinical usefulness the new Merck Manual makes it easy to find the right information right when you need it.All-new clinical approach chaptersAll-new disease summaries339 chapters 34 completely new including:Nutritional SupportNeck and Back PainAutonomic Nervous SystemMale Reproductive EndocrinologyFractures Dislocations and SprainsPrinciples of Radiologic ImagingComplementary and Alternative MedicineDietary SupplementsMedicolegal IssuesCare of the Surgical PatientApproach to the Critically Ill Patient69 new illustrationsNew cross-referencing to specific pagesAll-new two-colour printingNew content on vital hot topics such as:Critical care medicineMetabolic syndromeAcute lung injuryBiological warfare and terrorismSARSSmallpoxand much more!Read more
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The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy 19th Edition Solutions