We are all journalists and publishers now: at the touch of a button we can send our words sounds and images out to the world. No matter whether you're a traditional journalist a blogger a public relations practitioner or a social media editor everything you publish or broadcast is subject to the law. But which law?This widely used practical guide to communication law is essential reading for anyone who writes or broadcasts professionally whether in journalism or strategic communication. It offers a mindful approach to assessing media law risks so practitioners can navigate legal and ethical barriers to publishing in mainstream and social media.This sixth edition has been substantially revised to reflect recent developments in litigation and the impact of national security laws and the rising gig economy where graduates might work in the news media PR new media start-ups or as freelancers. It covers defamation contempt confidentiality privacy trespass intellectual property and ethical regulation as well as the special challenges of commenting on criminal allegations and trials. Recent cases and examples from social media journalism and public relations are used to illustrate key points and new developments.Whether you work in a news room in public relations or marketing or blog from home make sure you have The Journalist's Guide to Media Law at your side.Read more
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