Sport Leadership in the 21st Century 15th Edition 9781284034158
Product Edition:15th Edition
Author: John F. Borland, Gregory M. Kane, Laura J. Burton
Book Name: Sport Leadership in the 21st Century
Subject Name: Science

Sport Leadership in the 21st Century 15th Edition Solutions

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Sport Leadership in the 21st Century provides students with the most current and comprehensive understanding of leadership in sport management. Authored and contributed by leading sport management researchers and practitioners this text immerses students in the learning process through case studies interviews with leaders in the sport industry critical thinking questions and rich content. Chapters have been developed to provide the latest research to help young professionals and sport management students become leaders in different areas of sport. This text is appropriate for courses in Sport Leadership and Management within the departments of Sport Management Health Recreation Business Physical Education and Kinesiology. In addition the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) the accreditation agency for sport management academic programs includes leadership as one of the competencies that sport management programs need for accreditation approval. This text helps to fulfill the leadership knowledge competency required for sport management education. Key Features of Sports Leadership in the 21st Century include: Written and contributed by well-known leaders in the field. Case studies addressing key leadership topics covered in each chapter and include related discussion questions Interviews with current practitioners included in each chapter Discussion questions included in end-of-chapter material Instructor resouces include Test Banks and PowerPoint Lecture SlidesRead more


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