Sales Force Management: Leadership, Innovation, Technology 12th Edition 9781138951723
Product Edition:12th Edition
Author: Mark W. Johnston, Greg W. Marshall
Book Name: Sales Force Management: Leadership, Innovation, Technology
Subject Name: Business

Sales Force Management: Leadership, Innovation, Technology 12th Edition Solutions

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In this latest edition of Sales Force Management Mark Johnston and Greg Marshall continue to build on the tradition of excellence established by Churchill Ford and Walker increasing the book�s reputation globally as the leading textbook in the field. The authors have strengthened the focus on managing the modern tools of selling such as customer relationship management (CRM) social media and technology-enabled selling and sales analytics. It�s a contemporary classic fully updated for modern sales management practice. Pedagogical features include: Engaging breakout questions designed to spark lively discussion Leadership challenge assignments and mini-cases to help students understand and apply the principles they have learned in the classroom Leadership Innovation and Technology boxes that simulate real-world challenges faced by salespeople and their managers New Ethical Moment boxes in each chapter put students on the firing line of making ethical choices in sales Role Plays that enable students to learn by doing A selection of comprehensive sales management cases on the companion website A companion website features an instructor�s manual PowerPoints and other tools to provide additional support for students and instructors.Read more


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