Public Health 101: Improving Community Health 3rd Edition 9781284118445
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: Richard Riegelman
Book Name: Public Health 101: Improving Community Health
Subject Name: Engineering

Public Health 101: Improving Community Health 3rd Edition Solutions

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An updated eBook version of this text will be available on October 1 and will offer 6 cases studies on COVID-19 and new interactive digital exercises that teach the principles of population health.An updated eBook version of this text will be available on October 1 and will offer 6 cases studies on COVID-19 and new interactive digital exercises that teach the principles of population health. Public Health 101Third Edition provides a big-picture population perspective on the determinants of health and disease and the tools available to protect and promote health. Now with a greater emphasis on community involvement and providing community based-services the third edition examines the full range of options for intervention including use of the healthcare system the public health system and society-wide systems such as laws and taxation. Through a unique set of case studies vignettes and extensive examples readers will come away with a clear understanding of how public health affects their everyday lives. They will learn and apply frameworks for thinking about public health issues and gain a deeper understanding about the health news they are exposed to each day. Key Features: � A comprehensive look at new and expanding roles for nurses efforts to address the nursing shortage and additional case studies that emphasize the critical and evolving roles played by nurses in the health care and public health systems � Coverage of current content such as the opioid epidemic and �One Health� topics including antibiotic resistance climate change and international health regulations � New case studies on influenza antibiotic resistance aging as a public health issue health navigation diabetes and more Public Health 101 is part of the Essential Public Health series and one of the three Health Foundations courses. Public Health 101 follows the ASPPH �Critical Component Elements� for a public health overview course as well as the AAC&U recommendations for a Public Health 101 course.Read more


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