In the seventh edition of Mergers Acquisitions and Other Restructuring Activities � winner of a 2014 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty) from the Text and Academic Authors Association � Donald DePamphilis looks into the heart of current economic trends. In addition to a new chapter on the ways deals are financed more than 85% of the 54 integrative case studies are new and involve transactions announced or completed since 2010. This new edition anchors its insights and conclusions in the most recent academic research with references to more than 170 empirical studies published in leading peer-reviewed journals since 2010. Practical exhibits case studies involving diverse transactions easy-to-understand numerical examples and hundreds of discussion questions and practical exercises are included. This substantially updated content supplemented by questions from CFA Institute examinations offers the only comprehensive exploration of today's business transactions.Mergers acquisitions and restructuring transactions reveal the inner workings of our economy. This longstanding award-winning treatment lays out what every student and professional should understand about their parts what they are intended to accomplish and what their competitive strategic and value consequences are.Winner of a 2014 Texty Award from the Text and Academic Authors AssociationIncludes up-to-date and notable transactions (Facebook's takeover of Instagram and Linkedin's IPO) and regulations (Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 and JOBS Act of 2012)Covers recent trends (emerging country acquirers in global M&As) and tactics ("top-up" options and "cash-rich" split-offs)Additional content available onlineRead more
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