Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition (6th Edition) 6th Edition 9780134584010
Product Edition:6th Edition
Author: Samuel E. Wood, Ellen Green Wood, Denise Boyd
Book Name: Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition (6th Edition)
Subject Name: Social-science

Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition (6th Edition) 6th Edition Solutions

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For courses in Introductory Psychology�An introduction to psychology that focuses on applications to students� own livesMastering the World of Psychologyprovides students a solid introduction to the diverse field of psychology � and how it applies to their lives. Authors Samuel Wood Ellen Green Wood and Denise Boyd present theory and research in an engaging and accessible fashion with plenty of opportunities for students to test their understanding and hone their critical-thinking skills. The Sixth Edition has been thoroughly updated and now incorporates several contemporary themes in order to give students an up-to-date view of the discipline.NOTE: This ISBN is for a Pearson Books a la Carte edition: a convenient three-hole-punched loose-leaf text. In addition to the flexibility offered by this format Books a la Carte editions offer students great value as they cost significantly less than a bound textbook.Mastering the World of Psychology Sixth Edition is also available via Revel� an interactive learning environment that enables students to read practice and study in one continuous experience.�You can also purchase a loose-leaf print reference to complement Revel Mastering the World of Psychology. This is optional.Read more


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