Here�s everything a beginning radiography student needs to know! Introduction to Radiologic Technology 7th Edition offers a solid overview of your exciting career as a radiologic technologist. After covering basic learning skills this guide provides a historical perspective on radiology and insight into key topics such as the language of medicine digital and conventional imaging patient care and radiation safety. Expert authors LaVerne T. Gurley and William J. Callaway describe the classes you will take in your radiography program the latest changes in the Registry exam what will be required in the practice setting and your opportunities for advancement throughout your career.An introduction to radiologic technology includes a concise overview of what to expect in your coursework.Critical thinking skills are highlighted with four important steps to take in assessing situations and making informed decisions.Career guidelines discuss customer service ethics and professionalism how to join professional organizations and how to keep up with continuing education requirements after graduation.A clear easy-to-read style does not assume you have prior knowledge of the subject matter.New photographs accurately depict current equipment and practice standards.An increased focus on digital imaging keeps you on the cutting edge of technology.Updates include:Positioning terminologyProgram accreditationsDemographic information for better communication with culturally diverse patientsA closer alignment of the book's topics with ASRT Core Curriculum's section on fundamentals.Read more
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