Introduction to Audiology (13th Edition) (Pearson Communication Sciences and Disorders) 13th Edition 9780134695044
Product Edition:13th Edition
Author: Frederick N. Martin, John Greer Clark
Book Name: Introduction to Audiology (13th Edition) (Pearson Communication Sciences and Disorders)
Subject Name: Science

Introduction to Audiology (13th Edition) (Pearson Communication Sciences and Disorders) 13th Edition Solutions

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A comprehensive introduction to hearing and balance disordersIntroduction to Audiologyoffers a thorough introduction to hearing and balance disorders in a user-friendly format. Extensive pedagogical tools help students better understand retain and analyze the material while the presentation of topics allows instructors to adapt the content to suit their specific teaching goals. The abundance of how-to information incorporation of current research and updated learning aids showcase the rewarding and fascinating aspects of a career in audiology today.Also available with the Enhanced Pearson eTextThe Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with links to embedded videos and self-check quizzes with feedback.NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone productthe Enhanced Pearson eText does not come packaged with this content. Students if interested in purchasing this title with the Enhanced Pearson eText ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN. Instructors contact your Pearson rep for more information.If you would like to purchase both the physical text and the Enhanced Pearson eText search for:0134694902 / 9780134694900 Introduction to Audiology with Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card PackagePackage consists of:� �0134694988 / 9780134694986 Introduction to Audiology Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card0134695046 / 9780134695044 Introduction to AudiologyRead more


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