Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics 1st Edition 9780849333217
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Simon Iwnicki
Book Name: Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics
Subject Name: Engineering

Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics 1st Edition Solutions

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Understanding the dynamics of railway vehicles and indeed of the entire vehicle�track system is critical to ensuring safe and economical operation of modern railways. As the challenges of higher speed and higher loads with very high levels of safety require ever more innovative engineering solutions better understanding of the technical issues and use of new computer based tools is required. Encompassing the field from historical development to state-of-the-art modeling and simulation methods Simon Iwnicki�s Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics sets a new standard of authority and practicality in the study of railway vehicle dynamics.Drawing on the experiences and research of leading international experts this critical reference surveys the main areas of railway vehicle dynamics. Through mathematical analysis and practical examples it builds a deep and functional understanding of the wheel�rail interface suspension and suspension component design simulation and testing of electrical and mechanical systems interaction with surrounding infrastructure and noise and vibration. In-depth discussions deconstruct the components of both vehicle and track systems explain their contribution to dynamic behavior and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various practical solutions. The book also considers the unique issues of railway tribology gauging and derailment.Coverage of computer models test procedures roller rigs and scale testing completes this essential handbook. Whether for the newcomer or the seasoned professional the Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics is an indispensable tool for modern railway vehicle design.Read more


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