Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis 1st Edition 9780471371953
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Charles R Paul, Paul VI, Clayton R Paul
Book Name: Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis
Subject Name: Engineering

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Stay focused on the fundamentals with Paull Offering a new focused approach to circuit analysis Clayton Paul's Paul's Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis helps readers master essential circuit analysis skills in a one-semester course. Paul covers all the important topics while minimizing unnecessary detail so that students can develop a lasting set of valuable analysis skills. Focused on basic skills . The text emphasizes the three most important electric circuit analysis skills: Resistive circuit analysis including controlled sources and op amps Analysis of circuits in the sinusoidal steady state (the phasor method) Analysis of circuits in the time domain in response to a disturbance (switching operations and the unit step and unit impulse responses) Focused on student success . Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis provides the learning tools readers need to succeed in circuit analysis. Throughout the text you'll find: Example Problems that illustrate each new technique or concept Exercise Problems that allow readers to apply what they've learned Real-world application examples Coverage of circuit analysis tools such as Spice (PSpice) and Matlab Focused on quality . Maintaining a firm commitment to quality the author has meticulously reviewed all text material problems and solutions. The result is a text that offers accurate content not distracting errors.Read more


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