Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1st Edition 9780132693066
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Themis Matsoukas
Book Name: Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Subject Name: Engineering

Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1st Edition Solutions

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�The Clear Well-Organized Introduction to Thermodynamics Theory and Calculations for All Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Students�This text is designed to make thermodynamics far easier for undergraduate chemical engineering students to learn and to help them perform thermodynamic calculations with confidence. Drawing on his award-winning courses at Penn State Dr. Themis Matsoukas focuses on �why� as well as �how.� He offers extensive imagery to help students conceptualize the equations illuminating thermodynamics with more than 100 figures as well as 190 examples from within and beyond chemical engineering.�Part I clearly introduces the laws of thermodynamics with applications to pure fluids. Part II extends thermodynamics to mixtures emphasizing phase and chemical equilibrium. Throughout Matsoukas focuses on topics that link tightly to other key areas of undergraduate chemical engineering including separations reactions and capstone design. More than 300 end-of-chapter problems range from basic calculations to realistic environmental applicationsthese can be solved with any leading mathematical software.�Coverage includes� Pure fluids PVT behavior and basic calculations of enthalpy and entropy� Fundamental relationships and the calculation of properties from equations of state� Thermodynamic analysis of chemical processes� Phase diagrams of binary and simple ternary systems� Thermodynamics of mixtures using equations of state� Ideal and nonideal solutions� Partial miscibility solubility of gases and solids osmotic processes� Reaction equilibrium with applications to single and multiphase reactions�Read more


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