Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for One Term Math and Science Printed Access Card) 7th Edition 9780538497329
Product Edition:7th Edition
Author: Howard L Rolf
Book Name: Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for One Term Math and Science Printed Access Card)
Subject Name: Maths

Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for One Term Math and Science Printed Access Card) 7th Edition Solutions

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Get the background you need for future courses and discover the usefulness of mathematical concepts in analyzing and solving problems with FINITE MATHEMATICS 7th Edition. The author clearly explains concepts and the computations demonstrate enough detail to allow you to follow-and learn-steps in the problem-solving process. Hundreds of examples many based on real-world data illustrate the practical applications of mathematics. The textbook also includes technology guidelines to help you successfully use graphing calculators and Microsoft Excel to solve selected exercises. This Enhanced Edition includes instant access to Enhanced WebAssign(R) the most widely-used and reliable homework system. Enhanced WebAssign(R) presents over a thousand problems links to relevant textbook sections video examples problem-specific tutorials and more that help students grasp the concepts needed to succeed in this course. As an added bonus the Start Smart Guide has been bound into this text. This guide contains instructions to help students learn the basics of WebAssign quickly.Read more


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