With the objective of providing conceptual clarity and connecting learners to accounting in practice, this new edition continues to focus on building the concepts in financial accounting from a decision-making perspective. The major highlights of this new edition are that it gives an updated status on Schedule VI of the Indian Companies Act, Indian Accounting Standards as well as summarizes the key places of difference between Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). As in the previous editions, this text prepares the managers’ ability to understand and evaluate accounting reports with the help of real-world examples and cases. New features * Addition of new cases and real-life illustrations * Introduction to Indian GAAP, along with IAS and IFRS * Inclusion of an annexure on India’s roadmap of convergence with IFRS * Chapters on ‘Accounting Records’ and ‘Financial Statement Analysis’ drastically revised and made more reader friendly * New glossary section and revised web resources * Inclusion of new appendices : Indian Accounting Standards, Ind AS, and the IFRS Two comprehensive tests Entering accounting records in a software "