Exploring Engineering 3rd Edition 9780124158917
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: William D Keat, Robert T Balmer
Book Name: Exploring Engineering
Subject Name: Engineering

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Engineers solve problems�and work on�emerging challenges in�a wide range of areas important to improving quality of lifeareas like�sustainable energy access to clean water and�improved communications and health care technologies.� Kosky et. al. explore the world of engineering by introducing the reader to what engineers do the fundamental principles that form the basis of their work and how they apply that knowledge�within a structured design process.��The three part organization of the text reinforces these�areas making this an ideal introduction for anyone interested in exploring the various fields of engineering and learning how engineers work to solve problems.�NEW: Additional discussions on what engineers do and the distinctions�among engineers technicians and managers (Chapter 1)NEW: Re-organized and updated chapters in Part II to more closely align with specific engineering disciplinesNEW: New chapters on emerging fields of engineering including Bioengineering and Green Energy EngineeringNEW: Discussions of Design for Six Sigma integrated into Part III on the design processAn Engineering Ethics Decision Matrix is introduced in Chapter 1 and used throughout the book to pose ethical challenges and explore ethical decision-making in an engineering contextLists of "Top Engineering Achievements" and "Top Engineering Challenges" help put the material in context and show engineering as a vibrant discipline involved in solving societal problemsRead more


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