Ethics for the Information Age (6th Edition) 6th Edition 9780133741629
Product Edition:6th Edition
Author: Michael J. Quinn
Book Name: Ethics for the Information Age (6th Edition)
Subject Name: Business

Ethics for the Information Age (6th Edition) 6th Edition Solutions

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Ethics for the Information Age is appropriate for any standalone Computers and Society or Computer Ethics course offered by a computer science business or philosophy department as well as special modules in any advanced CS course. It is also appropriate for readers interested in computers and society or computer ethics.In an era where information technology changes constantly a thoughtful response to these rapid changes requires a basic understanding of IT history an awareness of current issues and a familiarity with ethics. Ethics for the Information Ageis unique in its balanced coverage of ethical theories used to analyze problems encountered by computer professionals in today�s environment. By presenting provocative issues such as social networking government surveillance and intellectual property from all points of view this market-leading text challenges students to think critically and draw their own conclusions which ultimately prepares them to become responsible ethical users of future technologies.�Teaching and Learning ExperienceThis program presents a better teaching and learning experience�for you and your students. It will help:Encourage Critical Thinking: A balanced impartial approach to ethical issues avoids biased arguments encouraging students to consider and analyze issues for themselves.Keep Your Course Current and Relevant: A thoughtful response to information technology requires an awareness of current information-technology-related issues.Support Learning: Resources are available to expand on the topics presented in the text.Read more


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