enable you to grasp how social problems affect the lives of individuals and apply your understanding of social problems to your own life. 10th Edition 9781305576513
Product Edition:10th Edition
Author: Caroline Schacht , Linda Mooney , David Knox
Book Name: enable you to grasp how social problems affect the lives of individuals and apply your understanding of social problems to your own life.
Subject Name: Social-science

enable you to grasp how social problems affect the lives of individuals and apply your understanding of social problems to your own life. 10th Edition Solutions

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Filled with current topics and relevant examples that illuminate the content Mooney Knox and Schacht's UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL PROBLEMS provides you with a comprehensive theoretically balanced exploration of social problems. The text progresses from a micro to macro level of analysis focusing first on such problems as illness and health care drugs and alcohol and family problems and then broadening to the larger issues of poverty and inequality population growth aging environmental problems and conflict around the world. The social problem in each chapter is framed in a global as well as a U.S. context. In addition the three major theoretical perspectives are applied to the problem under discussion and its consequences -- as well as alternative solutions -- are explored. Features such as "The Human Side" and "Self and Society" enable you to grasp how social problems affect the lives of individuals and apply your understanding of social problems to your own life.Read more


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