Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities 2nd edition 9780750659826
Product Edition:2nd edition
Author: Ransley
Book Name: Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities
Subject Name: Science

Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities 2nd edition Solutions

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Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities sets out some of the key issues in developing hospitality properties from the hospitality manager's perspective. From the original concept through each part of the process it provides an essential guide for students and professionals on how to manage hospitality facilities to their best effect using a model-based insight into the process in an informed but non-technical way.Now in its second edition this successful text has been updated with new international case studies from companies such as MyTravel Disneyland Paris Hotel Elysium Beach Resort Cyprus and many others. It also includes new chapters from well-known authors. With contributions from both academics and practitioners this book looks at design building issues operational relationships and therefore provides the hospitality manager with insight into how these areas work and what they need to know in order to get the best out of them.* The only text that bridges the gap between generic and applied texts for students and practitioners in hospitality and tourism* Updated with international case studies such as Disneyland Paris Radisson SAS Brussels and Elysium Beach Resort Cyprus* New contributions from acclaimed authors and figures in the industry such as Richard Penner and Jan de Roos Cornell University USARead more


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