Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques 3rd Edition 9780123814807
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: Han, Jiawei; Pei, Jian; Kamber, Micheline
Book Name: Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques
Subject Name: Engineering

Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques 3rd Edition Solutions

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Data mining is the task of extracting precious information from masses of raw data. The results of data mining could find many different uses and more and more companies are investing in this technology. Data Mining: Concepts And Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series In Data Management Systems) explains all the fundamental tools and techniques involved in the process and also goes into many advanced techniques.This book not only introduces the fundamentals of data mining it also explores new and emerging tools and techniques. It explains basic data mining concepts like OLAP concept description data preprocessing classification and prediction association rules and cluster analysis. It then presents advanced data mining techniques like extracting information from varied and complex sources other than just relational databases. This includes multimedia databases object databases time-series databases and spatial databases. It also looks at harvesting data from varied sources on the world wide web and extracting useful information from it.Data Mining: Concepts And Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) is arranged in such way that the chapters stand as independent units. This makes it flexible as a classroom material as instructors can choose the chapters they want and present the lessons in the order they prefer.This third revised edition of the book was brought out by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers In in 2011 in hardcover.Key Features:Numerous algorithms are presented in pseudo code that can be can be applied in real world projects.A number of pedagogical resources ae available for instructors in the companion website.Read more


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