Care of People with Diabetes 4th Edition 9780470659199
Product Edition:4th Edition
Author: Dunning, Trisha
Book Name: Care of People with Diabetes
Subject Name: Science

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Care of People with Diabetes is an essential guide to the care and management of people with diabetes mellitus with particular emphasis on the acute care setting. Written by an experienced clinical nurse specialist with extensive knowledge of evidence-based diabetes care this fully updated fourth edition serves as an essential companion to clinical practice for nurses and healthcare professionals. People with diabetes experience a high symptom and self-care burden associated with managing their condition and require appropriate support advice and regular monitoring. Similarly health professionals need to maintain and keep up-to-date with an ever-increasing body of knowledge in order to help people with diabetes incorporate new research into their self-care. Care of People with Diabetes provides an extensive overview of the knowledge base all health professionals require to work effectively with people with diabetes. Special features: * Comprehensive clinical manual on an ever-more prevalent condition written to meet the needs of nurses and healthcare professionals * Includes new material on evaluating education programmes cystic fibrosis-related diabetes diabetes and sleep apnoea and end-of-life care * Provides key evidence for best practice * Includes protocols for consistent care and improving patient outcomesRead more


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