Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence, 8e 8th Edition 9780323377584
Product Edition:8th Edition
Author: GRAY, Suzanne Sutherland PhD RN CCRN, Suzanne, Susan K. Grove PhD RN ANP-BC GNP-BC, Susan K., Jennifer R., Grove PhD RN ANP-BC GNP-BC, Jennifer R. Gray PhD RN FAAN, Jennifer R. Gray, Gray PhD R
Book Name: Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence, 8e
Subject Name: Science

Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence, 8e 8th Edition Solutions

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Master the research methods used as a foundation for evidence-based practice! Burns and Grove�s The Practice of Nursing Research 8th Edition providesa solid foundation in the appraisal synthesis and generation of research evidence for clinical nursing practice. Not only will you learn how to properly evaluate and use existing research evidence but you�ll also learn how to participate in research and quality improvement projects. Updated to reflect today�s focus on online research and evidence-based practice this edition includes clear step-by-step guidelines to research procedures as well as many examples from current and classic literature. From an expert author team led by Jennifer Gray this book helps you perform scholarly research for evidence-based practice.Emphasis on evidence-based practice helps you learn to generate research evidence and to appraise and synthesize existing research for application to clinical practice.Emphasis on qualitative research includes phenomenological research grounded theory research ethnographic research exploratory-descriptive research and historical research.Coverage of quantitative qualitative and other research methodologies gives you a solid foundation to conduct appraise and apply research evidence to the realities of today�s clinical practice.Rich examples from the nursing literature bring research principles to life.Information on collecting digital data guides you through the use of online research.Clear comprehensive coverage is organized into five units: 1) Introduction to Nursing Research 2) The Research Process 3) Putting It All Together for Evidence-Based Health Care 4) Analyzing Data Determining Outcomes and Disseminating Research and 5) Proposing and Seeking Funding for Research.NEW Mixed Methods Research chapter and emphasis covers this increasingly popular approach to research.NEW! Expanded emphasis on qualitative research provides more balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative methods addressing the qualitative research methodologies that are often the starting point of research projects particularly in magnet hospitals and DNP programs.ENHANCED emphasis on evidence-based practice addresses this key graduate-level QSEN competency.UPDATED emphasis on the most currently used research methodologies focuses on the methods used in both quantitative research and qualitative research as well as outcomes research and mixed methods research.NEW! Quick-reference summaries are located inside the book's covers including a table of research methods on the inside front cover and a list of types of research syntheses (with definitions) inside the back cover.NEW student resources on the Evolve companion website include 400 interactive review questions along with a library of 10 Elsevier research articles.NEW! Colorful design highlights key information such as tables and research examplesRead more


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