Astronomy: The Universe at a Glance 1st Edition 9780321799760
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Eric Chaisson, Steve McMillan
Book Name: Astronomy: The Universe at a Glance
Subject Name: Science

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NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone productMasteringAstronomy does not come packaged with this content. If you wouldlike to purchase both the physical text and MasteringAstronomysearch for 0321792998 / 9780321792990 Astronomy: The Universe at a Glance Plus MasteringAstronomy with eText -- Access Card Package 1/e: Package consists of:0321799763 / 9780321799760 Astronomy: The Universe at a Glance 1/e0321977432 / 9780321977434 MasteringAstronomy with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Astronomy: The Universe at a Glance 1/eMasteringAstronomyshould only be purchased when required by an instructor.A modular and highly visual approach to introductory astronomy�Astronomy: The Universe at a Glance takes students on a spectacular journey across the vast cosmos. The Universe at a Glance introduces the structure and nature of the universe while emphasizing both the latest scientific findings and the process of scientific discovery. This new book by trusted authors Eric Chaisson and Steve McMillan reimagines their classic texts in a modularly organized visual approach to learning. Here the essential ideas concepts and discoveries of contemporary astronomy are presented in 15 chapters each chapter composed of richly illustrated two-page spreads designed to visually engage and instruct students.�Complete with spectacular graphics and concise compelling chapters The Universe at a Glance packs an immense amount of awe-inspiring insights into a brief modular volume. Uniting engaging prose fascinating details and easy-to-follow Learning Outcomes this accessible account of astronomy is flexible and fun an ideal complement to a dynamic introductory course. The text is integrated with MasteringAstronomy to create an unrivalled learning suite for students and instructors.�Also Available with MasteringAstronomy�This title is also available with MasteringAstronomy � an online homework tutorial and assessment program designed to work with this text toengage students and improve results. Interactive self-paced tutorials provide individualized coaching to help students stay on track. With awide range of activities available students can actively learn understand and retain even the most difficult concepts.Students if interested in purchasing this title with MasteringAstronomy ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID.Instructors contact your Pearson representative for more information.���Read more


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